The ULTIMATE guide to recording mix-ready vocals at home

During the 2020 lockdown I shot a series of video tutorials on recording your own vocals. Now it's safe to go to the studio again but this knowledge is still valuable. I love working in-studio with vocalists and I'm a pretty decent vocal producer, but some artists stretch their production and mixing budgets further by recording their own vocals or they want to work with me from different cities. If you gotta do it at home, let me help you do it at a quality level that will make for a clean mix. Here's are some video links:

The ULTIMATE guide to recording mix-ready vocals at home. Make your music during quarantine.

Mix-friendly vocal arrangement for recording singers and rappers.

I also offer consultations to customize my advice to your personal home situation. Here's a photo of a home vocal recording setup in Chicago that I remotely consulted on. The solutions were relatively low-cost and took the sound from a roomy mess to passable as studio quality.

Contact me if you’re interested in getting help with your home setup or have some home recordings in need of mixing and mastering.
-Drew Mantia

Feel Good Music Recordings